March 19, 2014

2013 Gasoline Consumption

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently released the 2013 fuel consumption numbers. With these numbers we can see what the total amount of gasoline consumed for 2013 was.

Finished Motor Gasoline Consumed

2013 - 3,202,542,000 barrels x 42 = 134,506,764,000 gallons
2012 - 3,177,687,000 barrels x 42 = 133,462,854,000 gallons
2011 - 3,194,754,000 barrels x 42 = 134,179,668,000 gallons
2010 - 3,282,319,000 barrels x 42 = 137,857,398,000 gallons
2009 - 3,283,730,000 barrels x 42 = 137,916,660,000 gallons
2008 - 3,290,057,000 barrels x 42 = 138,182,394,000 gallons
2007 - 3,389,269,000 barrels x 42 = 142,349,298,000 gallons
2006 - 3,377,174,000 barrels x 42 = 141,841,308,000 gallons
2005 - 3,343,131,000 barrels x 42 = 140,411,502,000 gallons
2004 - 3,332,579,000 barrels x 42 = 139,968,318,000 gallons
2003 - 3,261,237,000 barrels x 42 = 136,971,954,000 gallons
2002 - 3,229,459,000 barrels x 42 = 135,637,278,000 gallons

Last year was the first year that the amount of Finished Motor Gasoline consumed increased since it peaked in 2007.

The number that the EIA publishes for Finished Motor Gasoline includes all the ethanol blended into the gasoline supply. So to get the number for just the amount of gasoline derived from petroleum that is consumed, the ethanol needs to be subtracted out.

Ethanol Consumed

2013 - 13,175,988,000 gallons
2012 - 12,881,862,000 gallons
2011 - 12,893,328,000 gallons
2010 - 12,858,510,000 gallons
2009 - 11,036,592,000 gallons
2008 - 9,683,352,000 gallons
2007 - 6,885,690,000 gallons
2006 - 5,481,210,000 gallons
2005 - 4,058,628,000 gallons
2004 - 3,552,192,000 gallons
2003 - 2,826,012,000 gallons
2002 - 2,073,120,000 gallons

Petroleum Gasoline Consumed : Finished Motor Gasoline - Ethanol

2013 - 121,330,776,000 gallons
2012 - 120,580,992,000 gallons
2011 - 121,286,340,000 gallons
2010 - 124,998,888,000 gallons
2009 - 126,880,068,000 gallons
2008 - 128,499,042,000 gallons
2007 - 135,463,608,000 gallons
2006 - 136,360,098,000 gallons
2005 - 136,352,874,000 gallons
2004 - 136,416,126,000 gallons
2003 - 134,145,942,000 gallons
2002 - 133,564,158,000 gallons

After several years of declines, the amount of Finished Motor Gasoline consumed that is derived from petroleum increased in 2013.

Updated : March 28, 2014

Sources : U.S. Product Supplied for Finished Motor Gasoline
Fuel Ethanol Overview


  1. No comments, really?

  2. Don't get a whole lot of comments and of the few I get, most are spammy in nature.
