The Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently released the final numbers for 2008 gasoline consumption.
Finished Motor Gasoline
2008 - 3,290,057,000 barrels x 42 = 138,182,394,000 gallons
2007 - 3,389,269,000 barrels x 42 = 142,349,298,000 gallons
2006 - 3,377,174,000 barrels x 42 = 141,841,308,000 gallons
2005 - 3,343,131,000 barrels x 42 = 140,411,502,000 gallons
2004 - 3,332,579,000 barrels x 42 = 139,968,318,000 gallons
2003 - 3,261,237,000 barrels x 42 = 136,971,954,000 gallons
2002 - 3,229,459,000 barrels x 42 = 135,637,278,000 gallons
As you can see after years of steady increases the amount of Finished Motor Gasoline consumed dropped off last year. The decrease is probably mostly due to the high prices seen through the early part of the year and the sagging economy in the latter part of the year.
The number that the EIA provides for Finished Motor Gasoline includes all the ethanol blended into the gasoline supply. So to get the number for just the amount of petroleum gasoline consumed the ethanol needs to be subtracted out.
Ethanol Used : Domestic Production + Imports
2008 - 9,838,374,000 gallons
2007 - 6,960,240,000 gallons
2006 - 5,615,484,000 gallons
2005 - 4,040,190,000 gallons
2004 - 3,551,142,000 gallons
2003 - 2,816,688,000 gallons
2002 - 2,153,004,000 gallons
Gasoline Used : Finished Motor Gasoline - Ethanol
2008 - 128,344,020,000 gallons
2007 - 135,389,058,000 gallons
2006 - 136,225,824,000 gallons
2005 - 136,371,312,000 gallons
2004 - 136,417,176,000 gallons
2003 - 134,155,266,000 gallons
2002 - 133,484,274,000 gallons
As you can see the amount of petroleum gasoline consumed peaked in 2004 and was in steady decline through 2007 before really dropping off in 2008.
Source :
Energy Information Administration
Update : 2010 Gasoline Consumption